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Sunday, August 7, 2011

First Day of School: Second Edition


   The first day of school this year was easy. Not much to report. I guess the greatest thing was that my polka-dot bow tie was the subject of a lot of conversation. The principal introduced me as the "new coach on campus," and that was basically it. I knew a lot of the boys already because I'd been on campus with football workouts for about three weeks.
   Organization was great, and we only held kids in the gym for about 15 minutes. We followed the normal bell schedule, and the day went by very smoothly. It was refreshing to have high schoolers this time. I love the 7th grade babies, but I feel at home with high school.
   I will say that I was exhausted by the end of 6th period. I have classes from 7:45-2:45. 1st and 3rd period is English I, 2nd period is English III, and 4th-6th periods are all English II. Every kid on campus knows my name already, and apparently they all heard that I was "mean" by the end of the first day. So, I guess the day was a success. I scared some kids, I didn't have to hold classes for hours, and I didn't feel like a first-year teacher. Moreover, we had a great football practice after school. I was comfortable and it was a good day.