A few blogs ago, I wrote about my two sons, Jordan and Devante. Well, one of my students found my blog and asked me why I didn't write about her. I promised her that my next blog would be about her--so here it is.
She's one of my 9th graders...literally the smartest student I've had in the past two years! She's sweet, hard-working, and leaves her other classes to come back to English to work on essays. Her name is Marquisha. Since August she's been calling me her favorite teacher. I always respond by calling her my favorite student. It doesn't make the other kids angry or upset, which is why I've allowed it to continue. I really took to her because she has a real thirst for learning. She wants to read hard novels, rewrite thesis statements, and work on ACT practice during her activity period. She's definitely an anomaly.
It's very refreshing to have a student who constantly challenges me. Last year I blogged about how I'd love to have more meaningful work for myself--such as finding enrichment assignments for my advanced students. She's done that for me this year. The coolest thing is that I've brought her in to my Sophomore and Junior classes to explain the writing process and SATP material. She very sweet and soft-spoken, but everyone listens when she speaks because she knows the justifications for everything.
I know that when she sees this it'll make her proud. Marquisha makes teaching fun. Morover, she provides my daily challenge. It keeps me on my toes. I'm glad I had the opportunity to teach Marquisha this year. I hate that I will not be teaching her next year to make sure she aces the SATP English II Test.
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